26 N. 3rd St.
McSherrystown, PA, United States
Adult Altar Servers are very important to assist the Priest with Funerals. Contact the Parish Office 717-637-1191
Altar Servers are a very important part of the Mass celebration, providing assistance to the Priest and Deacon and being an example in prayer to all who are in attendance at Mass. Boys & girls in at least 3rd grade are eligible to volunteer for this ministry. Instruction classes are given prior to serving at mass. Contact: Therese Klunk at 717-634-7929 for more information.
The Blessed Sacrament is exposed and adored by volunteers who sign up for one hour or more to pray before the Lord Jesus present in the Monstrance. Contact Maxine Staub at 717-637-5683.
Assist the pastor in giving communion at mass and taking communion to the sick and shut-ins of the parish. By invitation of the Pastor. Contact is Connie Klunk at 717-632-8049.
Advises the Pastor on financial matters of the parish and school. By appointment of the pastor.
Single Serve Foods are collected throughout the school year for students to have for the weekend. Collections are the last Sunday of the month August through May.
Please contact the Parish Office at 717-637-1191.
The Parish receives 5% of the sales of the Weis and Giant Gift Cards and the proceeds go into the Restoration Fund.
The gift cards may be purchased by calling the Parish Office at 717-637-1191.
Proclaiming God’s Word as a Lector is a special privilege and ministry to which you have been called. By invitation. Coordinator, Mr Dan Staub 717-451-8444.
Our Youth Group is open to those students in grades 6th thru 8th Grade. We meet several times through the month for more information, Contact Katrina Boucher at: 540-847-6272 or cannonka@gmail.com.
Join together in song, under the talented direction of our choir director, Patrick Colgan. Contact the choir director at 717-968-8358.
A group that counts the funds collected at Mass each week. Each group volunteers about once a month.By appointment of the pastor.
The PPC is involved in most activities and programs effecting the liturgical and spiritual life of Annunciation Parish. Members are voted into the position. Chairperson is Don Leilich 717-465-1402.
If you wish to add someone to the prayer circle, please contact Becky Kopf at 717-637-3315.
Unite as a community praying the Rosary for the sanctity of all life from conception until natural death. Contact Grace Elser at 717-632-5341.
The group comes together the second and fourth MONDAY of each month at 5:30 pm prior to the 6 pm Mass at church. they recite the Litany of Saint Monica, Chaplet of Divine Mercy and Litany of the Good Shepherd. All are welcome!
All Men are welcome! They meet at the Parish House Saturday mornings at 6:30 am for Rosary followed by the session at 7-8am. For more informaiton contact Victor Sciukas 717-634-2851
The Usher/Greeter/Minister of Hospitality is a person chosen to reflect the warmth and welcome of Christ Himself to all the faithful assembled for worship. They are the first point of contact for the communal celebration of the Liturgy and should take special steps in being living representatives of the Parish Mission Statement. The ministry now goes beyond taking up the collection and distributing materials in church. Today the role includes "welcoming" our brothers and sisters in Christ, greeting newcomers, and assisting in emergencies. For more information contact the Parish Office at 717-637-1191.
All women are welcome! Gatherings are announced in the bulletin. For more information, Contact Toni Weaver at 717-632-5357 or Kathy Murren at 717-632-6414.
Open to young adults 18-35 years of age. We have Bible Study, Logos & Lager, social gatherings and spiritual events. For more information contact: hanovercatholicyoungadults@gmail.com.